Workshops are mostly held online with some in person happening from time to time.


Reset and Feel
A Somatic Sequence Workshop

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Currently taught in workshop format 1 x 2 and a half hour session
The next rest and feel workshop is online

Live and recording available for 48 hours

Reset and feel is one of four foundational long form sequences, a synthesis of somatic practices gathered in a sequence that serves as an exploratory container to dive into the essential threads of somatic movement and yoga

In this sequence we explore small yet potent repetitive movements comprised of reflex patterns, rolling, rocking, arching,curling and twisting . We use some small props in parts to connect to our biggest “sensory organ” our fascia, finding ways to enjoy the slide and glide of our tissue and a lasting subtle reset and re- calibration of the body.

Incredibly helpful for developing new neuro -muscular pathways, resolving sensory motor amnesia and pain issues and harmonizing the nervous system.

Who is the workshop for?
As an intro to somatic practices this is open to everyone including curious yoga teachers interested in bringing Somatics into existing teaching where a sequence can be a really beneficial framework.

People with no previous experience may be drawn to this gentle yet deep and powerful way of moving and connecting and equeally find it useful to have a memorable sequence to explore, developing a self practice.

This workshop is largely practice based with some presentation and includes a pdf of the theory behind the sequence and elements explored and recording available for one month following the workshop


Seed to Bloom
A Somatic Sequence Workshop

Next date TBC - Register Your Interest below.

Currently taught in workshop format 1x 2 and a half hour session
The next rest and feel workshop is online

Live and recording available for 48 hours

Seed to Bloom is one of four foundational long form sequences, a synthesis of somatic practices gathered in a sequence that invites a deep internalization of the senses and a sensitization to what is actually happening in our bodies as we move and breath.

The seed to bloom sequence begins with our relationship to ground, we explore grounding and yielding , orientation touch and sound.We are guided into a deep softening as we explore our relationship with our breath, and inner and outer spaces. It is a deeply replenishing sequence that sews the seeds from which we can weave and expand outwards blooming into new expressions of being

Who is the workshop for?
As an intro to somatic practices this is open to everyone including curious yoga teachers interested in bringing Somatics into existing teaching and wishing to build a repertoire of somatic sequencing

People with no previous experience may be drawn to this gentle yet deep and powerful way of moving and connecting and equally find it useful to have a memorable sequence to explore, developing a self practice.

This workshop is largely practice based with some presentation and includes a pdf of the theory behind the sequence and elements explored and recording available for one month following the workshop

Your Pelvis - A workshop for Women

Next Date TBC - Register Your Interest Below

Currently taught in workshop format 1x 2 hour session
Saturday 3.30-5.30pm

Our pelvis is the feeling pool of the body, our most primal means of connection, we enter the world from this space and yet the unique story of our pelvis may be something we have never considered as being of importance.

An understanding of the structure of our pelvis supports greater integrity in our posture, it’s the structural foundation of our body that determines how we sit, stand and walk. A more connected pelvis contributes to us making wiser movement choices.
We find a greater sense of stability and support.

Cultivating a deeper connection with our pelvis, through a felt sense is equally as important as understanding our anatomy.

Through inquiry and listening we hear the story of our pelvis, becoming intimate with our held tensions, accumulated not only from our personal history’s, but perhaps also from cultural conditioning, sexism and historical suppression, this is the inquiry!

So in this workshop we work a little with both structure and sensitisation so that little by little we are able to meet, unravel, gently release, bring balance, support hormonal regulation, vital blood flow and be gifted with a deeper sense of freedom and flow.

This workshop involves gentle movement, restorative posture, breath work, contemplation and written inquiry and a little presentation time.

Your Bones - A workshop for Women

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Currently taught in workshop format 1x 2 hour session
Saturday 3.30-5.30pm

For Woman our bones can become vulnerable as we progress though peri menopause and beyond. According to statistics we lose 5 per cent of our bone mass with each child and then a further 5 per cent each year that we are transitioning through the menopause.

Maintaining bone health through great nutrition and regular exercise is necessary, but another contributing factor that is less talked about for osteoporosis prevention is postural integrity.

In this workshop we explore organic and simple techniques in somatic yoga sequences to find greater postural integrity and sustain bone health .
Building strength through finding authentic alignment in our skeletal structure and finding a variety of creative ways to move and increase weight bearing on our bones without damaging or stressing our joints.

Deepening our connection to earth we explore attuning to the quality of our bones, developing awareness and a felt sense of their unique Rhythms.

This workshop involves posture, movement, touch and play!


Managing and understanding Pain through Somatic Practice
A Workshop

Next Date TBC - Register Your Interest Below

Currently taught in workshop format 1x 2 hour session

In this workshop we will explore the many unique factors that contribute to the experience of chronic pain. Pain is a complex protective mechanism but there is much to learn and many ways in which we can reduce our suffering around pain.

When in pain we often approach the body as if its broken and experience a build up of what can be called secondary pain adding additional suffering to our primary pain experience. Catastrophising, engaging in fear avoidant behaviour, shrinking back from movement and a general lack of trust in our body’s and life can be all expressions of secondary pain.  

Approaching the body as broken and trying to fix it through mechanical or imposed movement brings us eventually to a wall of limitation. With somatic and organic movement we can always find a range of mobility that is pain free, and there is often somewhere in the body that we can find some pleasure alongside the pain.

With somatic practice we explore gently meeting our pain, feeling the size and weight and shape of it without trying to change it or chase it away. Within small organic simple shapes and movements we find a growing sense of trust and safety, cultivating this sense of safety is key!

I really look forward to sharing with you what I have learned from some of the worlds best teachers specialised in pain and what is currently proving very helpful to me in my own personal experience with pain.

This workshop will include movement, breathwork, presentation, written inquiry and some seated meditation and deep relaxation.

Suitable for everyone, no experience necessary and you don’t necessarily have to be in pain to attend, you may simply be interested in learning more about pain or be a yoga teacher wishing to learn more ways to support your students.


The Skin You Are In
A workshop

Next Date TBC - Register Your Interest Below

Currently taught in workshop format 1x 2 hour session
Check back soon for content !