Going Deeper - Further Education for teachers and facilitators

In order to evolve as a teacher or facilitator our personal practice needs to be deep and rich, the kind of practice where we are asking lots of questions, engaged in inquiry, challenging our assumptions,committed to clarifying and simplifying. Through teaching practice and personal practice we are building a reservoir of experiential knowledge and yet we need to be as open as possible to the wisdom of our students and be prepared to let go of the known, drop hierarchic patterns and travel down fresh and unfamiliar pathways.
The below CPD trainings are led from the above perspective, they are not a means to gathering second hand knowledge to regurgitate to your students, they are an invitation to explore information, integrate what resonates, bring it to your personal practice, do the inner work and then explore and refine again and again in your teaching practice.

There are currently two “Going Deeper” CPD courses they are offered online and are accredited with the Yoga Alliance and award you with a 40-hour further education certificate.


Being Breathed
A Somatic approach to Pranayama and the Breath - An Experiential Training for Yoga, Meditation and Movement Teachers and Therapists

Thursday 2nd March - Saturday 9th April 2023

42-hour Training ( Thurs/ Frid/ Sat and sun through March)
Maximum Participants 12
Running once a year
Online - 42 Live Contact hours
Plus pre-recorded practice and home study

“We are a moving symphony of breathing, digesting, thinking and feeling”

Befriending the Nervous System through Somatic Practices and Neuroscience with Jo Kemp and Denise Tibbey

2023 Dates Coming Soon - Register Your Interest

40-hour Training
Maximum Participants 12

We are currently running a 10 hour Immersion, see below for dates and details

“It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole” - Rupa Kaur

“This Being Breathed training with Jo is very special, because of Jo’s warmth and generosity in sharing her experience and wisdom and because of the community she creates with people open to learning, sharing and healing. As a yoga practitioner/teacher/trainer for many years, it opened my eyes to a more nourishing and gentle approach that can be woven into many traditional practices. Jo pours everything into this, from her incredibly comprehensive manual, to well-planned presentations and discussion, to her beautifully taught sequences of breath and movement. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have already begun weaving it all into my own practice and teaching.”

— Jane, Yoga Teacher/ Trainer - Being Breathes Training participant